PBS KIDS Video, a service by Public Broadcasting Service, offers a streaming platform devoted to children's educational and entertaining content. Updated regularly, the service gives access to a broad assortment of kid-friendly shows and movies on devices like smartphones, tablets, and computers via the PBS KIDS website or its apps. With over 1,000 videos from popular PBS KIDS shows like Sesame Street, Wild Kratts, Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood, and Odd Squad, the app organizes content into categories for easy browsing. Kids can also watch videos within the app itself via a built-in player.
Content and Features
PBS KIDS Video features a wide variety of videos, including episodes of PBS KIDS shows, educational videos, sing-alongs, and more. The videos are grouped into categories, such as "Shows," "Learning," "Music," and "Games," to make it easy for kids to find something they're interested in. Additionally, a section for "Parents & Teachers" is available, featuring videos and resources tailored for adults.
Ad-Free and Educational
One of the most excellent attributes of PBS KIDS Video is its ad-free viewing experience. This implies that there will be no concern for you regarding your children being exposed to any advertisements. The video platform of PBS KIDS likewise offers an extensive collection of enriching educational material. That means that your kids can learn while they’re watching their favorite shows. PBS KIDS Video also has a parental control feature. That means that you can set up a profile for your child and choose what content they can watch.
User Experience
PBS KIDS Video has a simple, kid-friendly design. The main page showcases a prominently placed video player that highlights a selected video, complemented by a navigation bar with category options positioned above. Beneath the player, there's a selection of thumbnail images that represent additional videos within the same category, providing children with a user-friendly way to peruse and select alternative viewing options. Upon clicking a video, playback starts instantly without any ads or commercials interrupting.
Accessibility and Functionality
Using PBS KIDS Video is a straightforward experience. Parents have the ability to set up individual profiles for their children along with parental controls to limit the accessibility of certain content. kids can browse the videos on their own or search for specific shows or topics. The videos are high-quality and can be streamed on most devices.
- PBS Kids Video app is a great way for kids to watch their favorite shows
- There are a lot of great shows to choose from
- The app is easy to use and navigate.
- The app does not have a lot of parental controls
- There are some ads in the app
- The app does not have a lot of educational content.